Saturday, September 17, 2011


blog ni dah lama sangat tak hidup. pelikkan kenape i still searching for this blog. almost 3 years tak hidup dah. :O

Friday, December 5, 2008

tidak sama

aku nk terus terang skit.

korg prasan x kite naffaa dh x same mcm dulu ?
abglong ngan kaklong n adik.
kaklong n abgngah.
abgngah n kakngah.

kite sume ade prob an ?

cmne nk slesaikan ?

untk yg berkenaan,
aku nk ckp.
aku x kisah korg rapat.

aku cuma terasa yg die hilang.
and ad,
aku sakit hati yg die ckp pelanggan baru n pelanggan lame tuh.
as if aku yg tinggalkan die.
padahal die yg cari ko.
and die yg pilih untk topupkan ko and x topupkan aku.
but aku x mrh die x nk topupkan aku.
aku cuma mrh die ckp pelanggan.
looks like i'm the one who left him in the first place.

god !

bil n ad,
smpai bile korg nk mcm ni ?
bile korg nk jdi mcm dulu balik ?
x kan bcoz of that thing,
korg nk jauhkan diri

bil ngan saa,
aku dh x tau nk buat cmne lagi.
dh lame dh korg cmtuh.
kurangkan ego leh ?
tell the truth could u ?

aku pening kepala pikirkan masalah korg.

and fit,
if ko lonely,
aku pun lonely  gak.
so it makes no different.

aku tau aku slalu mrh ko.
ade yg sengaja and ade yg x sengaja.
most of them x sengaja.
bcoz u know,
i was stress dear.

amir plak,
sepi cmtuh je.
bukan nk contact kitorg.
ko contact nabil jeh.
at least contact la aku,ad or nisaa.
kitorg x tau ape jdi ngan ko.

aku ?
aku memang stress SANGAT>3333 kebelakangan nie.
since there's something gonna happen on 18th dec.
and about asrama,my family and stuff.
banyak gile probs.

wey korg,
smpai bile kite nk jadi cmni ?
we have less than 1 month.
are we gonna waste the time we have ?
after this,
we're gona go our on way.
we're not gona be together again.

that is 1 of my prob too.
i dont have the heart to leave u guys.
i know i can find new frens.
i cant.

life is so damn complicated rite ?

and yeah for sure,
im going to boarding school.
no matter what i do.
no matter which boarding school i get
i will go.

i just want to stay here.

i want my 2008 from january pleaseeeeeee ?
pretty pleaseeeeeeee ?
* wink wink *


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

aku x gunekan ko !

aku x gunekan ko !

x pernah pun terlintas niat nk gunakan ko !
aku dh bnyk kali ckp,
aku x gunakan ko
tpi ko still x nk caye.

ape lgi aku bleh buat ?!

tlg la !
sumpah aku x gunekan ko !!


Friday, November 28, 2008

i knw

yeah i knw.
itu sama sekali tidak benar !

org yg kamu syg tidak mahu kamu korbankan kebahagiaan kamu demi dia !!
die dh ckp,
die x kisah.

knp kamu masih pertikaikan lagi ape yg die telah ckp ?
cuba aku fahami ape yg die ckp

die ckp,


die cuma confuse tentang hidupnye
tentang hidup yg bakal dihadapinya kelak

and org tersebut meminta maaf kepada anda
kerana sume salah paham ini

org itu x kisah.
tlg jgn buat cmni lgi


Thursday, November 27, 2008

the world is turning upside down


ade 2 org ahli naffaa
sedang bercinta

i mean
adik beradik bercinta ngan adik beradik
dah langgar peraturan ?
right dear ?

tpi x pe.
i'm happy for both of u.

take care of  HER
dont u ever hurt her !

she's my beloved sis,
get me?

whatever it is,
i'm happy for both of u !

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

nAFfaa members


adriana nadhirah


fitri qusyairi

amir hakim

an nisaa jasmine

Monday, November 24, 2008


im totally agree with adriana.

when are u going to contact us ?
naffaa really miss u.

x kan dh lupe kitorg ?

nanti kalo dapat mane2 asrama,
bagitau la kitorang.
keep in touch la dude.

i hate school holidays.
i guess everyone is having the same problem.
maybe not all.

i'm tired of facing the computer everyday.
it's like i have nothing else to do.
although i have.

but now,
im addicted to the computer & phone 24 hours.
majority computer,
bcoz my phone got not credit.

i miss korg.
except for myself.

can't we just go into the same secondary school ?
i would be the HAPPIEST PERSON EVER !

but its impossible rite?
= [

i still wana be a kid.
who never have probs in her life.
who will always happy with her beloved frens.
who will always have a smile on her face.
who will have a sweet dream instead of a nightmare?

i lurve u !

- fatin